Interview at University of Washington, Seattle. Seattle is very nice place to live. Warm winter and cool summer. Great peoples. A graduate student is involved in the search process. He looked 300 applications and picked several from them. …
A proportional but slower NMDA potentiation follows AMPA potentiation in LTP (Turrigiano, NN, 2004) In the culture cortical neuron LTP, AMPA-mEPSC increases rapidly ( LTP induction protocol: 15 min. 37deg in NaCl 126 mM; KCl 5.5 mM; MgSO4 …
慶應理工学部同窓会から、研究・教育奨励基金を受賞することになるらしい。ありがたいことである。ひさしぶりに慶應で講演も楽しいかな。受賞理由が、昔のF1の仕事なんだけどね。ところで、これって英語ではなんていうんだろう。 Incentive Research and Edu…
いよいよタックスのシーズン。とりあえず、US/Japan tax treaty article 20-1の適用を試みよう。Federalのほうはだいたいおわり。State taxのほうがいまいちよくわからん。
あーあ。うまくいかね。なんでmaxi prep失敗するかね。来週は、University of Washingtonへ、面接だしね。面接があると、ぜんぜん実験がすすまないんだよね。
Maxi Plate cells Check expression.
Making constructs. Western blotting. KCl 90mM works. No effects with SP.
RBD-binding assay (Slices). SP/non-SP.Making constructs.
I brought Nozomi to the lab, and showed her around. Took some pictures.
Lifetime of Venus = 3.0 ns @25 degrees. Made some venus constructs. H, K, mutants. SECFP/Venus : more than 60% folding. Need SECFP only.
Secondoryの候補だったDepartment of Physiologyが、tenure-trackのofferをあげたくないらしい。Physiologyをちゃんと教えられないだろう!ということらしい。Primaryは、Medical Health Research Instituteなんだけど、secondoryとしてちゃんとどっかの学科…
のぞみ語録 〔弘子情報) leap padのアメリカの州を覚えるやつをやってて、 Ohio (オハイオ)--- "おはようだって、おかしいね。" Kentucky (ケンタッキー) --- 洗濯機 だってさ。 いずみ5秒たつ 泰 育英学園1年修了。絵美先生は泣いたらしい。
Trasfect to Hela cells with Raichu seriese (gifted by Matsuda M.). How bright is the SECFP ? Transfection did not work well.
Hela Cell experiments. K works better than H !!
Journal club presented by Volker LTP is accompanied by an enhanced local excitability of pyramidal neuron dendrites. LTP blocks KA current to boost APs. [Fura2] should not be constant at 300 um away from the soma. The dendritic recording i…
Quantitative Analysis of the Complex between p21 and the Ras-binding Domain of the Human Raf-1 Protein Kinase (Wittinghofer, JBC95) H-Ras-mGpp(NH)p = 18nM, G12V = 25 nM, K-Ras = 40 nM, N-Ras = 40 nM H-Ras-GTP-gS = 5nM !! H-Ras-mGDP = 24,000…
Cell biology: The strain of being a prion (Nature news and views) This might be fun to read.
H/N-Ras knockout (Santos,MCB01) H-Ras, N-Ras, K-Ras4B express in the brain. H-Ras expresses preferentially in the brain. Kockout of K-Ras4B is lethal. There is not much phenotype in H/N-Ras knockout. Ras-RGF knockout (Klein, Nat97) Lack of…
How to detect the spill-over of glutamate ? Detection of extra-synaptic receptor using MK801 (Westbrook, Neuron02) Glutamate uptake controls spill-over. Low stim decays faster than high stim (Scanziani, NN02) Neuronal Glutamate Transporter…
Transfect Hela Cell with Sensors. Measure slices Very funny result. Some delayed activity was observed. Maybe cAMP dependent pathway ?
JBC 1996 Differential interaction of the ras family GTP-binding proteins H-Ras, Rap1A, and R-Ras with the putative effector molecules Raf kinase and Ral-guanine nucleotide exchange factor. Raf-RBD inhibits GAP activity !!! Nature biotech 2…
I looked for optimum conditions for the Ras sensor using Hela cell. It looks like Hela cell is not happy in Tyrode solution.
読んでないよ。面倒だから。 Columnar Architecture Sculpted by GABA Circuits in Developing Cat Visual Cortex Specific GABAA Circuits for Visual Cortical Plasticity