Read paper for tommorow's Journal club.
"A proportional but slower NMDA potentiation follows AMPA potentiation in LTP"
A.J.Watt, et al., Nat. Neuroscience, 2004, 5:518-24

  • Chemical LTP (low Mg + bicuculin) in cultured neuron causes potentiation of mEPSC. Within the first 1.5 hours of induction only AMPA component is increased. By two hours after the LTP induction, NMDA component is also potentiated. (AMPA/NMDA is deconvolved from decay curve).
  • Mini freq. (thus, presynaptic fusion probability) transiently increased.
  • NMDA-LTP requires AMPA-LTP (blocking AMPA-LTP with GluR1CT blocks NMDA-LTP)
  • Standard LTP in cortical slice, paring post and pre spiking in paired recording in layer 5, also gives essentially the same result.
  • Are there any relation with GluR2/3 recycling ?
  • Why overexpression of active CamKII/Ras does not produce NMDA-LTP ?

7/10/2004,20:48, g/mEPSP/mEPSC/s